Sunday, October 1, 2017

Academic Writing 
Have you ever looked inside your mind and asked yourself this question: “How do I feel about academic writing?” Academic writing is an integral part of a communication tool for conveying acquired knowledge in a specific field of study. I am sure each of you will see it differently. For me, I find both advantages and disadvantages in writing an academic essay.

First, there are some advantages that I have encountered in academic writing. Writing an academic essay, I am able to access a wide range of knowledge with a variety of topics such as societal, scientific, and psychological. Writing a coherent essay, I need to read trustworthy sources of information from a journal article, a textbook or a lecture. That is the best way for me to improve reading skills, grammar structure, academic vocabulary, and the way people use vocabulary in content. Besides, I have known how to write and organize a holistic essay with interesting hook, intelligible thesis, and strong details in body paragraphs to create a coherent essay. So far, I feel academic writing helps me very much to implement my theoretical knowledge into the practical world. It has taken me to “unexpected places” indeed.
Second, there are some detriments in academic writing that I have to face. I encounter a lot of questions about English. Why does a word in other situations have different meanings? How to understand and apply the important “rules” for academic writing with correct grammar, good writing style, clear organization, or proper documentation format? I think academic work is peer-reviewed and carefully analyzed. Learning to write academically is an emergence between challenging my thought processes and requiring my depth of knowledge about a lot of fields. However, I am not a native English speaker and my academic vocabulary is limited; so, writing an academic assignment takes me a lot of time to think about the topic, arrange ideas and use grammar structure correctly.

In conclusion, academic writing has both advantage and disadvantage effects in my study. However, that is the reasonable thing for people who study English as a second language as I do. So, the first thing I need to do is keep writing and I believe that is the best way to conquer English as well as academic writing.


  1. I think that is hard for us because this is our second language, so I know what are you thinking about because I have the same feeling.

  2. Thank you, Sr. Luyen, for your thoughts. Indeed, practice is the best way to "conquer" this language and all the language skills. Keep going and you can be an accomplished English language speaker.

  3. I liked the use of rhetorical questions as a hook to your writing

  4. Thank you for sharing. Academic writing is really complicated for international students. However, I believe that when you realize those,you will do well.

  5. Thank you for sharing your ideas. Both reading and writing English academic essays are difficult for English learners, but they are helpful for us to improve our English if we keep reading and writing it.

  6. Thanks for your sharing. I agree with you. Writing academic essays is a big challenge for students, but we can do it if we really put an effort to do.
