Monday, October 30, 2017

Best Ways to Acquire Academic Vocabulary

         Knowing academic words is a significant skill so that students are not only able to understand and absorb the knowledge that professors in college want to convey, but also attain high scores in the learning process. That is, a well-developed vocabulary will help you reach achievements in your studies, and a job with higher salary. However, it is not easy to obtain new academic vocabularies, so a great number of international students meet obstacles in acquiring them. Therefore, selecting the best ways to acquire new academic words is an important goal.
One of the best ways to improve a student’s academic vocabulary is through intensive reading. While reading, you not only find the most common words you should learn, but also can review words that you have already learned. It is a good means to inculcate new words in your mind. In addition, you should choose newspapers, magazines, and books that will help you pay attention and acquire new words more quickly and easily. Moreover, you do not have to read too much in a day, but you should keep reading books regularly to get into the habit. This method is really useful.
Another way to recall and increase academic word knowledge is by using them as much as you can in your life. When trying to use academic words in your communication or when writing an essay, you have to think of the correct words and use them many times. That means, you are conveying these new words to your long term memory. By frequent academic word practice, you will become comfortable with their meaning and usage in various circumstances. In other words, learning new words will not be useful if you do not promptly utilize them.
In addition, a fun way to attain academic words is to play with them. There are many games that will help you learn them much better such as crossword puzzles, Scrabble, Boggle. They are always available online, so you can find them easily whenever and wherever you want. These games are used not only to review words, but also to expand your word knowledge. Importantly, they are designed in various types and levels so that you can enjoy learning and do not feel as if you are studying. Therefore, with these games, you can obtain more vocabulary words while enjoying yourself.
In conclusion, although everyone has a specific learning style to acquire new academic words, reading, using them in speech as much as possible, or playing word games are common ways that will be very useful for you. If you persistently and regularly implement these methods, you will realize that your academic vocabulary is much improved.


  1. Thank you, Sr. Hang, for your insightful suggestions and comments. I too believe practice makes perfect. And of course reading and practicing with games helps a lot, too! Good luck!

  2. Thank you for sharing your methods to learn more new academic words. These three ways are very suitable for college students. It is helpful for me! Thank you!

  3. I like when you said "a fun way to attain academic words is to play with them" I think this is new way to learn new vocabulary

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks Sister Hang. I always found it difficult to use elaborate words with people around me, as I may come across as pretencious. It's still something fun to do, though. And I definitely agree on the intensive reading, but also, it is very helpful to write in your free time and try to use this vocabulary in context. Good job

  6. I had hard time improving my academic vocabulary. I, as well, think that reading the book I'm interested in is one of the best way to improve my vocabulary skill because I learned loads of words through reading books. Well, it's still difficult and boring to study vocabulary, though, but as you suggest, there are loads of ways to improve my vocabulary skill, such as cross puzzle games, so I'll try those methods. Thank you Sr. Hang, for sharing your thoughts.
