Saturday, September 30, 2017

Impressing about Academic Writing

Harvey Mackey said that “You only get one chance to make good first impression, and yours may be in the hand of receptionist”. I was lucky when having an occasion to learn how the academic writing is. I was really impressed by its interesting and distinctive features such as academic words, structure and convention.
The first of all impressions in academic writing is its specific words. Unlike worlds in daily communication, academic writing words require precision and conciseness to express ideas so that the reader could understand exactly meaning. Besides, there are many words having the same meanings, so writers have to choose words that are accurate with every circumstance, emphasize particular ideas or phenomenon derive from the epistemological culture . Another point we should notice is to avoid using pronouns such as I, me and my self to express writer’s opinions in argument because academic writing is objective views.
Another impressed aspect of academic writing is structure.  The overall organization must be clear, formal, coherent and logical. That is various parts are connected to form a unified whole. The topic sentence has obviously presented a main point. In addition to getting successful essays or researches, the points have been set up by disciplines of academic writing so that readers are able to follow easily. Moreover, its language is more complex. It is not only more sophisticated from the grammatical standpoint, but it also utilizes more subordinate and complement clauses as well as more attributive adjectives.
Finally, the prominent feature of academic writing has impressed me the best is academic conventions. Providing a reference list for citing sources of quote or paraphrases in your papers is essential factors to avoid plagiarism. It is a good way to respect their exclusive products and your honesty. The convention of citing source is also crucial because it not only allows readers to identify sources you used, but it also dedicates values and foundation of your information. Besides, using evidences which derive from scholarly sources to support your own points of view will be a great tool to convince the readers. In other words, your research will have more quality and persuade the reader if they were found by knowledge of the scholars.

Academic writing is a great method because of its words, structure and citation conventions. When overcoming these experiences, I was impressed by it a lot. Although it is really difficult to accomplish writing task for first step, it will be a good chance to intensively improve your writing skill. 


  1. Thank you for your sharing experience in academic writing, it is particular. For me, reaching academic writing is necessary foundation for a successful student and requires long time for practice. We are on the way.

  2. I think that when you want to use academic writing words when you wants to do your writing you need to know the meaning of the words before you use them.

  3. Thank you, Sr. Hang, for sharing your insights. Academic writing is indeed more complex and precise. But with practice, anyone can be an accomplished writer. All the best to you!

  4. Thanks for your sharing. I believe that you can do it if you keep going and practice whenever you can. Good luck to you.

  5. Thank you so much for your sharing. I am glad to know your experience about academic writing.

  6. Thank you for sharing your good ideas. I learned how to write a impressive academic essay.

  7. I like that you quote other's saying in your essay! It really catch my attention as soon as I start to read. And it was very comfortable to read because your essay is well organised and the main point is clearly stated. Thanks for your great essay, St. Hang.
