Monday, December 11, 2017

My fall(2017) semester at St. Norbert College: Personal narrative essay

My fall(2017) semester at St. Norbert College: Personal narrative essay

“Hoping and praying are easier but do not produce as good results as hard work. ” (Andy Rooney)
Christmas is coming up soon, heavy snow falls every day, and we are almost at the end of this semester. I cannot believe how fast this semester is almost done. Every student has been busy to prepare for their finals since this week. “Fast, busy, and meaningful” encapsulates my sentiments towards this semester. What I have experienced in this semester helps me get a deeper thought and makes me better understand what Andy Rooney said: “Hoping and praying are easier but do not produce as good results as hard work.”
I will never forget the day when I got my math quiz back, and I only got 4.5 points out of 10. My economic score for second exam was worse than the first one, and my essay deadline for college writing class was close, but I had not started yet. Everything seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. There were more words than I wanted to say, and I don’t know how to describe how miserable I felt at that time. I still remembered that after class, I came back to my dorm and burst into tears because everything just came together, and I felt extremely stressed out and was deeply worried about my academic college life. I kept questioning myself why life was so hard for me, what reasons I could find to explain everything thing.
I recalled what had happened in the beginning of this semester. In the beginning of this semester, I had though classes were easy, so I didn’t pay much efforts to my study, and I would only get my homework done before class. I had used to think too much before study, and had procrastinated with my studying.
At that moment, I did think I needed to change because I hated to be a loser. Therefore, I have moved my study space from my dorm to library, where has less enjoyable things than studying. I also have made a study plan for my different courses, previewed the readings before class and reviewed lessons after class. I also found out my knowledge gaps and gradually I caught up with my classes and made a big progress on my math exam.
      I am so happy to catch up my classes in the rest of half semester and learned so many good studying habits from the lessons. There is no choice and alternative but hard work if you want to be successful. God only helps people who work hard so that Hoping and praying without engaging anything will not produce good result. Hard work is the key for everyone to make achievement.

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