Sunday, December 10, 2017

My fall (2017) semester at St. Norbert College

The feeling of hot iron instantly dipped into water reminds my first semester of college. My parents were so proud of me that I was the first person from my family to attend college and in addition, I was so proud of myself that I was being the very first student from Nepal to attend St. Norbert College. The happiness of getting such wonderful opportunity to study in a dream college made me leave what I was used to, but I was completely unknown about where I was going to be to strengthen my ambition. Lack of being well prepared for classes, homesickness, and cultural shock, though disturbed my studies, however, that time taught me the importance of proper time management skills, dedication, and curiosity for learning for the student.

The entire education system here in U.S was new for me. The way of registration for classes, lectures, exams and even grades was out of my expectations. My expectations did not meet the reality. That’s why I started going to classes without being well prepared. In addition, the reason for being alone in totally different culture, I was feeling quite alone though SNC community was inquisitive and attentive towards how I’m doing. Being far from everything that I was used to and trying to adjust to the new environment was the worst time ever. I felt like anything that I was learning each day was mocking me. I was totally pinned down by just how days were going. If I remember it today, I see no reason to act like that. But, those emotions were enough to kill my time without properly focusing on my studies. When I realized that the time I spent with such emotions were relegating myself and badly harming towards my studies, I started getting the notice through classes and emails for final exams. If I had properly planned for my semester, I would not have had to spend my time with unnecessary thoughts that made me down for no reason. After such experience, I realized the importance of time management skill a lot.

I found the way lectures happen in U.S helps to understand the topic clearly and the discussion with lecturers fulfills the inquisitive nature of student. However, the resistance of knowledge increases with the dedication of student itself. I found the importance of reading textbooks properly before and after lectures, taking proper notes in classes, and active participation in exams with the clear understanding of chapters not only to get good grades but also to learn what we were supposed to after taking those classes. It requires seriousness to pay attention in classes, revision of chapters every day, read textbooks properly and visit professors or TA’s in any kind of confusion or question. I lack some of these habits in my first semester and results in unsatisfactory grades. This is how I learned the importance of dedication in student life.

I believe the curiosity of learning represents the dedication on studies. The way how students present in front of lecturer with related questions activates the lecturer interests to express the knowledge he/she have. This inquisitive character of single student can also be beneficial to the entire class. I saw such activities in my classes this fall, and I also got benefited by that. I remember the answer by my psychology professor when I visited him on how to improve in tests and he says, “Students need to realize the importance of education and it must come by self-realization rather than tests and quizzes”. This teaches me a lot about the importance of curiosity in student and the active participation on classes by raising critical questions to get in-depth knowledge on the specific topic.

In a nutshell, my fall semester (2017) at St. Norbert College was full of learning of core requirements that are needed to get success in our ambition. Adjusting ourselves to the environment gives the experience of hurting emotions with no reason but at the same time, the acceptance of our ambition and full dedication with proper time management bolster up to defeat our weakness. The famous saying by Willa Cather, “There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm”, will be on my mind onwards after my first semester. The bittersweet experience of this fall semester initiated my growth to encounter possible challenges in my ambition.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent observations. It is so hard to adjust to a new culture, and to do so in your first year of college, which is difficult in and of itself, is very impressive. Keep On Keepin On, as they say. It will get better once you get past the homesickness and difficulty adjusting to the culture. We're here to help, with anything you might need. Don't hesitate to ask.
