Monday, May 8, 2017

Personal Narrative Essay

       Travel to the U.S to complete my education was my childhood dream. Since I was a child I dreamed of completing my studies and become a good scientist. When I graduated from high school I felt that this is the crucial moment to realize my dream. I was excited at that time, I told my father about my dream and I told him that I am ready for it. My family was so happy that I can finally achieve my dream, at the same time they were worried about me because I am too young to take responsibility and live alone. When the moment came to travel, I was worried not just about the language, but also I was worried about the differences between my culture and the new culture, and the new life. Also, I .was hesitant to leave my family and friends

    This is my second semester at St. Norbert college. I started this semester under intense pressure because I had a problem in my 1st semester my GPA was very bad.  For this semester, my assistant helped me to choose easy classes so that I could raise my GPA. However, everything was very good I started my classes like any student, who has excitement to study hard.  I worked harder than before
.and fortunately, I got good grades and I pass all my classes

    I worked hard until I complete all my homework and review everything and study well, as Thomas Edison says, “Success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration.” I agree with him if the person does not work hard and struggle to get what he or she wants nothing will come easily to them. This I am now at the end of the semester and I am completely satisfied on what I did because I did my best.

     In conclusion, we must strive and work hard to achieve what we are seeking. To, feel the pleasure of victory. I learned several things, especially from the phrase that Thomas Edison said, “Success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration.” I believe that we must struggle in our lives. That is true we will face some challenges, but at least we will get what we want.

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