Sunday, May 7, 2017

Personal Narrative Essay

     In my freshman year, I can truly say that this semester was probably the hardest but it was way better than last semester.  I had already gotten accustomed to the school system, made good friends and gotten used to living with my host parents, so I was very comfortable with everything this semester offered unlike last year where everything was so new to me.  So, I made a plan on what exactly I wanted to achieve by the end of the semester so all I needed was to work really hard, stay motivated and hope for the best especially since I planned on transferring to another school.
           This semester, I had four courses which were, chemistry, calculus, college writing and surviving skills.  I had never taken college writing and surviving skills courses before, so I was a little bit scared on how the classes and professors were going to be like.  I had the same professors for both my chemistry and calculus classes but I still really wasn’t looking forward to attend these calculus.  I actually ended up liking both the college writing and surviving skills courses because it had to do with a lot of reading and understanding and both the professors were really helpful.  They really helped in making the course easy and useful.  
           I had Doctor Sprague for Chemistry and I can honestly say that his quizzes, exams and the class overall were the hardest I have ever had in my entire life.  Most of my friends and classmates that had his class last semester either had a new professor or they just dropped chemistry this semester.  I never thought of dropping the course because Chemistry is my major but, I believed that maybe I wasn’t putting in much effort last semester, so that is why I decided to take his course again this semester.  The class started out okay, nothing was new to me since I already knew his teaching style, everything was going fine until our first quiz.  I knew I still had time change to change my chemistry professor or drop the class and take it next semester but each time I thought about this idea, I was remembered my friends and family who kept inspiring and motivating me not to give up.  So, I decided to talk to my teacher, I explained to him on what I found difficult in his class and the problems I had with with his class.  Surprisingly, he was really nice.  He helped me out and even said I was welcome to stop by anytime.  Since that day, I can proudly say that I am doing really well in chemistry and I really like my professor.
           For my Calculus, I had Professor Froghiler and he was a really good professor.  He was easy to talk and his lectures were easy to understand and since I had a strong liking to calculus, I found his course very easy and entertaining.

           I can honestly say that this semester was a lot of hard work but it was a really successful semester.  I had to sacrifice some social time in order to meet up with my professors.  However, I still had time to have some fun and catch up with my friends ad enjoy the warm weather.  Even with the inspiration from my family, I still felt like giving up but I knew without pushing myself I wouldn’t be able to achieve. Edison's quote “Success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration” truly explains my semester and in totally, I can say that this semester was worth it.

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