Monday, May 8, 2017

Success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration

                  when students go to college there is an inspiration within them, inspiration to be successful in whatever major they decide to pursue in their scholar life. I can say I'm one of those students with a lot of inspiration. Being inspired isn't a terrible thing at all, in fact, it’s important in life but knowing how to precede what inspires us is the most important thing to find. I think the man with more than 1000 inventions had it all figured out. I'm talking about the man's quote I chose to write my first-semester experience at saint Norbert college. Thomas Alva Edison is his full name, and he invented the light bulb. He said and I quote "success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration". After reading this quote, questions like what does it mean and how could this relate to my semester stay at this college have been provoking for me.
                    As a new student, I was filled with inspiration to do my best and have a good grade in all my classes. The 1 percent was already there but I didn’t think deep enough how to execute my plans to succeed and according to Edison perspiration is the 99 percent, which I didn’t realize until my full semester stay at SNC thought me the lesson the hard way. I took four classes this semester and my college writing class was one of them. It’s a writing class so I planning to do well in the class but one thing I didn’t realized was it would take me a lot of reading and writing plenty papers to be a good writer. At first I was thinking it was extra load and wouldn’t help me that much so I had less interest in the class. The online vocabulary assignments and the snoodle homework’s proved my point for myself and saw them as extra loads. I had the inspiration but I was lacking the perspiration.
                     But as I forced myself to read the book and listen to the lectures attentively to understand what it means to write a good paper I was really surprised by how much I didn’t know even thou I considered myself a good writer. My perspiration started there by knowing there is always a room for improvement and the moment we stop thinking what we have is the limit is the moment we can understand we can do better that was my perspiration moment and turning point for how I perceive success. The class I thought was least important thought me the most important lesson for my academic goal and the lesson was you can always improve if you don’t limit yourself self to what you know now. My first semester experience thought me a valuable lesson for life and I’m happy I’m wiser today than yesterday. I just want to summarize my narration by one of my favorite quotes from Winston Churchill “You should go to your room every day at nine o’ clock … and say to yourself, ‘I am going to sit here for four hours and write!’ … if you sit waiting for inspiration, you will sit there till you are an old man.” I believe everyone should understand this and work smarter not to end up being the old man in his room. Thank you for reading this.


Personal Narrative Essay

Personal Narrative Essay
I never believed in fate and always had a firm belief that the fate is favorable to one who dares to work towards it. This belief got stronger when I read the popular saying in my school, that “If you never have a dream, you’ll never have a dream come true.” I always agreed that people who work towards their goal are the ones who truly deserve it. I was always interested in going for the geology or oil and gas lines. Most of my cousins are geologists, mud logging, and oil field men and this is the reason that I chose the geology line and landed myself in Saint Norbert College. However, coming from the Middle East, English was the only genre where I needed to work hard. Thus, I enrolled myself for the college writing course, to hone my English writing skills, as English is a crucial language in the professional world of geology.
I was little sceptical in the beginning regarding my ability to grasp this subject and to be able to find success. But I am very grateful to my professor, Jana Dettlaff, who helped me to see the subject from a different perspective. It was because of her guidance and support that I was able to accomplish my dream of learning this English art of writing. She guided us through the course and was always ready to give suggestion and valuable guidance to achieve success in this journey. With her this course became a fun experience and started enjoying the writing process.
I learned many valuable tips of writing, which earlier I was not aware about. Previously, I would be casual about my writing and didn’t have the knack of turning in a professional paper. For example, I never knew the importance of writing a thesis. Further, the right way to collaborate a topic sentence, was a new skill to me. All this are the concept which I was able to learn in this course and developed the professional writing skill in this semester. I am sure these will be of immense help in my future writing projects.

Now that I am on the verge of finishing this semester, I see myself well acquainted with the process of professional writing. I have learned the way to brain storm ideas about writing a piece and the way to make it a success with the help of editing and proof reading. However, these learning process would not have been possible if I would not have made courage to come to US, and get admittance in this English course at Saint Norbert College. Going by my experience, I would say the only hitch between a desire and accomplishing the same is dreaming big about it. When we dream about our goals, we set a course of path through which we accomplish our goals. If one doesn’t dream with a conscious mind, he or she will reach nowhere around the same. Hence, dreaming big in the first place is the first step towards accomplishing one’s goal in life. 

Personal Narrative

Now, we are in the final week of the Spring semester 2017 in St. Norbert College. This Semester has been great for me in many ways, and through the four months, I have changed a lot.  I wanted to connect the events that Happened to me to this quote “There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm.”

It all started after the last semester, I ended up with a bad GPA, and I asked myself did I come all the way from Saudi Arabia to have this low GPA. After that, in the winter break, I decided when I start the spring semester. I need to figure what I did wrong in last semester and try to change myself. Therefore, I reached to things that I had been doing it wrong, I manage my time poorly, and I do not participate with my classmates. These two things seem like a minor issue, but as I experienced it, I understood that they are important to get successful in the college life.

First, managing my time, for spring semester I decided to take three classes. The reason is that I have time to give each class the effort that it needs. That is why I think this semester is one of my best semesters for organizing my day, organizing the assignments and making sure to submit each one on time. For international students, I think it is good to take fewer classes each semester because it will give us more time to process the materials and help us succeed.

Second, participate with my classmates, engaging with the students gave me a chance to understand more about the subject of the class. Also, asking them to do a group study with them helps me to know their perspective of the course. Therefore, talking to my classmates and making friends with them. Helps me to improve my English and helps me to know the correct way to study for the class.

In conclusion, me facing the bad GPA made me understand the mistakes that I have done, and I am not the person that I was in the fall semester. Therefore, made me realized that I could do better that that. There is no shame of doing something wrong, but the shame is keeping doing it.

Personal Narrative Essay

       Travel to the U.S to complete my education was my childhood dream. Since I was a child I dreamed of completing my studies and become a good scientist. When I graduated from high school I felt that this is the crucial moment to realize my dream. I was excited at that time, I told my father about my dream and I told him that I am ready for it. My family was so happy that I can finally achieve my dream, at the same time they were worried about me because I am too young to take responsibility and live alone. When the moment came to travel, I was worried not just about the language, but also I was worried about the differences between my culture and the new culture, and the new life. Also, I .was hesitant to leave my family and friends

    This is my second semester at St. Norbert college. I started this semester under intense pressure because I had a problem in my 1st semester my GPA was very bad.  For this semester, my assistant helped me to choose easy classes so that I could raise my GPA. However, everything was very good I started my classes like any student, who has excitement to study hard.  I worked harder than before
.and fortunately, I got good grades and I pass all my classes

    I worked hard until I complete all my homework and review everything and study well, as Thomas Edison says, “Success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration.” I agree with him if the person does not work hard and struggle to get what he or she wants nothing will come easily to them. This I am now at the end of the semester and I am completely satisfied on what I did because I did my best.

     In conclusion, we must strive and work hard to achieve what we are seeking. To, feel the pleasure of victory. I learned several things, especially from the phrase that Thomas Edison said, “Success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration.” I believe that we must struggle in our lives. That is true we will face some challenges, but at least we will get what we want.

Personal Narrative Essay

How time flies! who would have thought that the spring semester will eventually come to end. The beginning of the semester was not something I would want to experience ever again. I had a lot of challenges that made me almost want to quit. The challenges ranged from airport delays to the winter weather and to the numerous classwork and assignments waiting to be done almost every day.
I had earlier bought my flight ticket to the united states couple of days before the semester began. It was going to be my first flight outside of my continent, Africa.  After, purchasing the ticket I was so exhilarated to know that I will be going to study in the US, little did I know that the joy was going to be cut short by some eventualities. I got to the airport on the day of the departure with some friends. At the gate, I was directed to meet with the emigration officers in one section of the airport, I went straight to the officers and gleefully greeted them while handing my ticket to one of them. He reluctantly took it and said ‘’come back tomorrow you are not travelling today.’’ I demanded to know the reason why I was not going to travel that day. He got furious and thundered “obey before complain, come back tomorrow I said.’’ I was so sad and embarrassed. I later joined my friends where they were waiting for me and narrated the ordeal to them. We called my parents and they encouraged me to take a room at the airport for the night. That night, while we were still at the airport, I decided to walk into the customer care section to make inquiries , and there I discovered that the flight was cancelled due to cloudy weather forecast. Well, I was hopeful since I will be travelling in less than twenty-four hour. All hopes were dashed when I again learned we were not flying the next day. This continued for the next five days and by then classes had begun.  By the time we were boarding the flight on the sixth day, all the joy of travelling to the US had been dissipated and been replaced with sadness and uncertainty. However, right there on board, I determined that I will never miss anymore classes. I was going to attend all my classes and get good grades in all of them, that was my resolve.
we arrived Chicago airport the next day because we had eleven hours laid over at Istanbul. Oh my! It was winter! And the cold was by no means comparable to what obtains in Africa. As soon as we alighted, I managed to pull out my jacket from my hand luggage to keep myself warm. It did not do a nice job though, as I was still shivering inside the jacket. I was to go to Greyhound park to take a bus heading to Green Bay, but I did not know my way around. Some good Samaritans who saw me shivering and struggling with my luggage, helped with it and led me to the park. It was late by the time we got there and all the buses for Green Bay had all left. I had to sleep at the park that night with the cold dealing with me. When we arrived Green Bay the following day, it was snowing, that was my first time to see it snow, it was a beautiful site, even though it was very cold.  The cold was more intense than what I experienced at Chicago. I could hardly feel my skin, and was literally frozen, and because I am allergic to cold I started having severe chest pain due to the cold air I was taking in. By the next day, I had developed blisters all over my ears- frostbite. This was one of the times I felt like going back home. I was taken to Walmart by a staff in the international center to purchase a much thicker winter jacket, a pair of boot and hand gloves to help combat the intense cold. Although, I was always kitted in my winter regalia, the cold was getting the better part of me and I could hardly get out of bed to prepare for classes. But my resolve to attend all my classes and get good grades always pushed me out of the bed to the bathroom every morning. Eventually, it stopped snowing, and the weather started becoming warm. I took a deep sigh of relief at this development.
Having arrived school late, I had piles of notes to copy and lots of assignments to turn in. For me, this spring semester was particularly challenging because I had to struggle between copying previous notes attending classes and writing previous assignments combined with current ones. I also had problems locating my lecture halls as everywhere was completely strange (I missed the orientation program). I missed my way couple of times and got redirected to my intended destination. In some of my classes, some students were very unwilling to let me have their notes for few hours so that I could go over the lectures I missed. On the other hand, my laptop was behaving silly and I was finding it difficult to go online to read up materials uploaded on snoodle. With these, the semester appeared daunting, but I was as determined as ever to excel in all my classes. Although there were couple of times I wished I could quit and return home. But then, in the innermost part of my mind, I knew I had to give birth to my unborn child, my goal!  and it must not be a still birth. Yes, my goal for the spring semester was to pass all my courses with A’s. I had refrained myself from participating in extracurricular activities for the semester, partly because I wanted to be on same page with the rest of the class and partly because I wanted to get acquainted with the system and the people. I spent couple of sleepless night trying to clear backlogs of assignments and preparing for the next day’s classes. The midterm exams soon came, I worked hard for the exam and got really good grades except for one course that I earned a B. I was not pleased with the B, So I met with the instructor to know how I could do better in subsequent exams. she advised me to get a tutor, and I did get one immediately. This paid off because I got to understand the course better and earned an A in the second midterm exam. It was not easy I must confess, especially when I had to go for tutoring eleven o’clock at night. Nevertheless, I cared less as my eyes and my mind were constantly focused on earning good grades and becoming better academically. This is the last week of the spring semester, and I am happy with what I have learned and the grades I have earned so far.
In conclusion, it was not just enough to be inspired by my determination to excel in my classes, I had to confront all my obstacles with actions and commitments. Imagine waiting in the airport for five days, sustaining frostbite and even falling down many times on the snowed floor, and trying to finish up current and backlogs of assignment while also attending all my classes. All these, made me to believe that success is actually ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Personal Narrative Essay
This semester was my first semester at the Saint Norbert College. When my dream was to be a biologist, I never thought I have to come to US and study biology in English. But I learn the lesson when I was studying at Soongsil University which is my previous college. I learn that I have to go to the US so I can learn the science better. This semester is little hard for me because it was difficult to write the paper.
In this semester I take three classes which are psychology, IDIS, Calculus. I choose three classes because I want to see the different between Korean class and US class. Calculus class was not difficult for me because I learned the concept already in Korea. But the IDIS and psychology were really challenging to me because I never write an essay before. So the two class make me busy in all day. But I learn a lot of skills and information through this classes.
This semester I meet a wonderful teacher. My calculus professor helps me to improve my math skills. He also helps me to write an essay about math problem which is the most difficult assignment for me. My psychology professor helps me lots to improve my scores. In the psychology class, there was much paper to write. It was hard because the paper was not the type that I learned before. But she helped me to finish the paper and give many comments. My IDIS professor also helps me to make a good grade in class. She helps with all kind of trouble when I’m living in the US.

There is the famous quote by Willa Cather. It says, “There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in the storm.” My first semester was in the storm because it was my first time in Saint Norbert College. Everything was new for me and I need time to acclimate the environment. But I learn many things like how to overcome the obstacle when you can not communicate with other.

Personal Narrative Essay

There is a popular saying that is “If you never have a dream, you’ll never have a dream come true”.  My dream started three years ago while watching a show called Life in the ER. It was a show about doctors and nurses who work desperately to save people who were very sick. This is what inspired me to pursue a career as nurse and come to college at Saint Norbert college. I plan on getting a Bachelor Degree of Nursing by starting off at Saint Norbert, then finishing my major at Bellin Nursing college. After that, I might go to med school and try to become a trauma doctor or orthopedic surgeon. The dream continued throughout this semester at Saint Norbert while I took a four more classes.
The four classes I took at Saint Norbert were Mass Media, Anatomy, IDIS, and Human and Lifespans development. These classes have tested my abilities unlike any other. The psych course “Human and Lifespans development” and biology course “Anatomy” have really tested my ability to remember new information quickly. Both of these courses has a smaller amount of homework but require an extensive amount of studying time. These classes alone would have been enough to keep me busy the whole semester but with IDIS and Mass Communication’s as well, my semester has been very long and stressful. Most weekends are composed of school work and studying for an example the next week.
My teachers this semester have been fantastic. My psych professor wrote me a letter a recommendation for the Bellin Nursing college which helped me to be accepted. Anatomy class has been a struggle for me. It’s hard for me to keep up with a class that is moving so fast. We had to learn four units worth of information in one week. My teacher saw I was struggling and told me to visit her in her office hours every couple days for a personal tutoring session to make sure I am understanding the information. All in all my professors in my 4 classes have been awesome in helping me to keep pushing through these hard times and continue my focus on getting that degree.
People that are unwilling to work hard for their dreams are the weakest of people in my opinion. My grandfather once told me “Their is nothing you should be more proud of than a hard day’s work”. I think that is why I have put in so much effort at the end of the semester this year to improve my grades and continue to push towards my dream. I often hear stories of kids that decided not to go to college and now either work construction or factory work and hate their jobs. For us as college students to work so hard now, makes our lives in the future very bright.

Personal Narrative Essay

     In my freshman year, I can truly say that this semester was probably the hardest but it was way better than last semester.  I had already gotten accustomed to the school system, made good friends and gotten used to living with my host parents, so I was very comfortable with everything this semester offered unlike last year where everything was so new to me.  So, I made a plan on what exactly I wanted to achieve by the end of the semester so all I needed was to work really hard, stay motivated and hope for the best especially since I planned on transferring to another school.
           This semester, I had four courses which were, chemistry, calculus, college writing and surviving skills.  I had never taken college writing and surviving skills courses before, so I was a little bit scared on how the classes and professors were going to be like.  I had the same professors for both my chemistry and calculus classes but I still really wasn’t looking forward to attend these calculus.  I actually ended up liking both the college writing and surviving skills courses because it had to do with a lot of reading and understanding and both the professors were really helpful.  They really helped in making the course easy and useful.  
           I had Doctor Sprague for Chemistry and I can honestly say that his quizzes, exams and the class overall were the hardest I have ever had in my entire life.  Most of my friends and classmates that had his class last semester either had a new professor or they just dropped chemistry this semester.  I never thought of dropping the course because Chemistry is my major but, I believed that maybe I wasn’t putting in much effort last semester, so that is why I decided to take his course again this semester.  The class started out okay, nothing was new to me since I already knew his teaching style, everything was going fine until our first quiz.  I knew I still had time change to change my chemistry professor or drop the class and take it next semester but each time I thought about this idea, I was remembered my friends and family who kept inspiring and motivating me not to give up.  So, I decided to talk to my teacher, I explained to him on what I found difficult in his class and the problems I had with with his class.  Surprisingly, he was really nice.  He helped me out and even said I was welcome to stop by anytime.  Since that day, I can proudly say that I am doing really well in chemistry and I really like my professor.
           For my Calculus, I had Professor Froghiler and he was a really good professor.  He was easy to talk and his lectures were easy to understand and since I had a strong liking to calculus, I found his course very easy and entertaining.

           I can honestly say that this semester was a lot of hard work but it was a really successful semester.  I had to sacrifice some social time in order to meet up with my professors.  However, I still had time to have some fun and catch up with my friends ad enjoy the warm weather.  Even with the inspiration from my family, I still felt like giving up but I knew without pushing myself I wouldn’t be able to achieve. Edison's quote “Success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration” truly explains my semester and in totally, I can say that this semester was worth it.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Recharging Yourself for Academic Success

             Refueling yourself for academic success is imperative for any student in college. It's currently finals weekend at Saint Norbert and most students are feeling the pressure. I just spent my whole day today studying for an upcoming Anatomy final that's on Tuesday. But while we are spending our days trying to remain focused on studying, we often become less and less motivated. That is why we must take time out of our schedule to relax and have fun. One of the best ways to recharge yourself for academic success is actually to get physically active. Getting in an hour of exercise before or in-between your studies will decrease your impulsiveness to check your phone as well as open up channels in your brain to help you retain the information. After you have began your studying, every hour you should take at least a 10 minute break. This gives you enough time to check your phone, go to the bathroom, or grab something to eat. A short 10 minute break will often subconsciously reward yourself for making it a whole hour focused. Often when I take a 10 minute break I am either checking social media, texting my friends or watching a short video. You often times want to avoid doing reading in-between because it will put further strain on your brain. It is said that the average person can only learn 18 new words a day. So when you spend hours upon hours studying straight you are doing little to help yourself for the upcoming exam. That is a major reason why cramming is so ineffective. Another tip for studying is to study before bed. This will help your brain to continue to process the information and file it away as you sleep. Everyone has a way of recharging themselves for academic success, but by giving yourself that short time you need of relaxation you will further improve your test scores.