Monday, April 3, 2017

Best ways to acquire new academic vocabulary.
       There are different ways or methods a person can acquire new vocabulary and I do not think any method is totally right or wrong. For example, when reading a passage and you come across a word you do not know, it is advised that you look up the meaning of the word in order for you to learn the word. However ,some believe that it is better if you write down the word, and try to look at how the word is used in the passage to see if you can come up with a meaning before you look up the meaning of the word from the internet.
       I believe that there are eight ways or methods of improving one’s vocabulary and the first method is to read. It can be books, journals, articles, newspapers and so forth because the more words you’re exposed to, the better your vocabulary. The second method is to improve your context skill in other words, pay close attention to how words are used, you can even search for how the words are used in examples. The next one would be to practice. You can write down the word, find the definition of it and try using it in a sentence but you have to make sure you review the word or at least try using the word for the whole day when speaking to people.
         In the example I gave earlier, people believe we should try and get into the habit of looking up words that we don’t know. Nowadays, some phones come with a dictionary and in some phones you can download one so it won’t really cost you anything to use them. The last method, which is fun  for most people would to play with the words. For example, playing scrabble or doing crossword puzzles can be fun. For serious vocabulary students, you can use vocabulary lists or take vocabulary tests.There are many books that focus on words used in standardized tests and you can practice taking vocabulary tests online or in some text books but I strongly recommend the  SAT prep book .

        I think at least one of the methods should work for you but if it does not, you can try and find a new method.


  1. Thank you, Precious, for your ideas. I agree -- exposure and practice -- the key for learning new vocabulary (academic or social). Anything specific for academic vocabulary in particular?

  2. Good job, Precious. I have the serious problem with vocabulary and I always try to improve well. I like the first method because I don't get bored. I read the book or article and if there is the word that I don't know I look for it. After this process repeated, I automatically learn the word which the best part is I don't even notice it.

  3. thank you Precious, you did an awesome job. like I said to Broke the best way for me, is to rewrite it again. Because for me it easier to remember is to do use my hand. I do not know my but it always works for me. great job again also I wanted to add that using note and matching game helps a lot for remembering and reviewing the words

  4. Hi Precious, thank you for sharing your ideas with us. I like your method when you look around the word to understand it because it works with me many times. Also reading books is a good method to and it helps me a lot.

  5. Good job, Precious and thank you for sharing your idea, and also I agree with you we should have a lot of academic vocabulary in particular on it, because we need it for our college when the professors give us homework, which are writing very good papers. I like your post and thank you for your idea.

  6. I couldn't agree with you more Precious. When we simply talk with friends or family, it is very hard to here new vocabulary words to use in writing. Often when speaking it is very informal. Which is why it is very important for us to continue to read books. Reading helps you pick up on new vocabulary and writing techniques.
