Sunday, April 9, 2017

Mid-Semester at St. Norbert College

Now, we are almost done with the semester. I would like to share with you my experience until this point. This semester I am taking three classes. What I like about taking three classes is that I have time to give each class the effort that it needs. That is why I think this semester is one of my best semesters for organizing my time, organizing the assignments and making sure to submit each one on time.
At this point, every student will know how they are standing so far in this semester. They can know their grades and see what they need to do to improve their grades and to make sure they reached their goal that they set in the beginning of the semester. For my experience, in some classes my grade got lower than I wanted to, but now I have the chance to improve it before the semester ends to be satisfied.
Overall, the mid-semester in St Norbert College is great. First, it is because the weather is getting warmer and the snow has melted. Therefore, the students are going outside to do some outdoor activities, which is fun because we were doing indoor activities for the past six months.
Next, the St. Norbert registrar office has opened classes for the students to register for next semester. In addition, SNC advisers always make it easier for the students to decide which classes they need to take.

Conclusion, the spring semester Have been a great semester, all the students should keep doing a good work, and prepare yourself for the final exams. 


  1. Thank you, Nahar, for your reflection! All the best for the rest of the semester: final exams will indeed be here before we know it.

  2. Nice job, Nahar. I also taking three classes and I think it is good because we can focus on the course and not overwork myself. It is good for getting a good grade for all three courses. I also like that snow has melted. It was hard to take a walk but now it is great weather for walking.

  3. I totally agree with you Nahar, this has really been a good semester. Even though I take four classes, I still have enough time to read for all my classes probably because I have gotten better at managing my time and getting used to the school's system. Unlike last semester where everything thing seemed new and overwhelming. Good luck on your finals and I hope the rest of the semester goes well for you.

  4. Thank you, Nahar. I agree with you taking fewer classes and focus on them it better than taking a lot of classes and do not get a good grade on them. Also, taking fewer classes give you a chance to improve your GPA.

  5. Thank you Nahar. I also a had good spring semester. with help of the college I am getting better at managing time and how prioritize things as I progress through the semester. Wish you the best for your GPA.

  6. Nice Post Nahar! Its currently finals week here at snc, so I hope you are getting a decent amount of studying in. I have been studying all day the past two days. It would be interesting to know how you did at the end of the semester to improve your grades. I hope you are putting in the time to improve your grades like I am! Best of luck!
