Saturday, September 17, 2016

Differences between approaches to plagiarism in the U.S. and Japan

Hello everyone! My name is Tsukasa Ajisaka and I am from Japan. Since I came to this college, I have noticed some differences of the approaches to the plagiarism between U.S. and Japan. So, I hope you enjoy reading and understanding the differences.

Firstly, the explanation of plagiarism. When I was in Japan, I have never had the explanation about the plagiarism. Thus, Japanese students have to learn about plagiarism and how to write an essay. However, after coming to America, I have had the orientation for the plagiarism and the risk of doing plagiarism when we write essay.

Secondly, the significance of plagiarism. As we mentioned above, Japanese students have to learn about plagiarism by ourselves. However, in fact, the rules of plagiarism are not so strict in Japan because even if we quote not properly or do not mention some references, the essay can be received. However, I noticed that the rule of plagiarism is very strict in the U.S. and I was surprised that even a small plagiarism will be punished.

Lastly, the class for college writing. Since the plagiarism and the way of writing essay in America is much stricter than that of in Japan, writing classes are offered in the college and many people are taking the writing class. Although I have never cared about the references and quoting evidences, it can be the big problem in America.

These are the differences I noticed so far. I think there are more differences, so I am looking forward to noticing more culture differences. Thank you for reading.

Tsukasa Ajisaka


  1. Thank you, Tsukasa, for your great ideas and observations. I hope your continued attention to the issue of plagiarism in this country can guide your positively in your current and future academic career! Best of luck!

  2. Tsukasa,
    I also wrote about the differences of Plagiarism. So I wondered that how about Japan. I have taken the AP class of UWC before I came here. It is the online class, so I had to write an essay almost every day. At that time, I felt that plagiarism is very crucial thing in America. The citation or quotation are necessary when referring other's words. However, in Korea, we don't care about the reference without citing, same as Japan. But I think it is reasonable to cite correctly so avoid the plagiarism.

  3. Hi Tsukasa,

    Thanks for sharing us about how plagiarism is concerned differently in America compared with your country and the different consequence students would have if students plagiarize in their essays. Therefore, I can know about different school systems in different places, which is really interesting. Actually it is the same situation in China and if students don’t use quotation properly, it won’t have so bad consequence as in US. Since we study in America, we have to learn how to avoid plagiarism as quickly as possible for the sake of our grades so that we could get good grades at the end of semester.

  4. Hi Tsukasa,
    I liked your post. I have almost the same idea and experience as yours. Although I do not know how universities in Peru take plagiarism (because I've never been in one), I know how school grades do. As same as in China, there is not much information about plagiarism. I didn't know how important it was until I came here. But I think It should me more respected in my country no matter what grade is one. Thanks for sharing your experiences!
