Sunday, September 25, 2016

Strategies to avoid plagiarism

Last week, I compared the approaches to plagiarism in Korea and America. So I will let you know how to avoid plagiarism at this time.  When writing a paper or making a work, you must keep it in mind ‘to distinguish my own ideas from not mine.’ You won’t plagiarize if you treat that point as important. Here are three specific ways to prevent the plagiarism: Making a plan, utilizing lots of sources, and doing paraphrasing.

First of all, noting a plan is really helpful not to infringe the copyright. To be specific, if you define the topic, write an outline, and decide the support evidence, it makes you to do easier and to see which resources you already found and you have to find. Moreover, it would prevent you from forgetting that writing down the data with the source.

Image result for plagiarism
The second way is to use various sources. Nowadays, unlike the past, the Internet is so developed that it contains massive information. As a result, many people rely only on the Internet. However, it is so dangerous because it is not sure that all of the information on the Internet is reliable. Thus you must judge the information critically, recognizing the original source of that information you gained. I recommend you to use books as a supporting evidence, which is clearly stated the name of an author.

Finally, paraphrasing is the most crucial and difficult one. I agree with the opinion that a direct quotation is the best way because it is convenience and precise. Nevertheless, it would make the argument ambiguous if there are a lot of quotations. That is why you have to paraphrase appropriately. Additionally, when you are paraphrasing, it should be apparent. We already learned about how to paraphrase well in Sourcework, but I will restate in here: saying exactly the original source, do not distorting the meaning, and changing the sentence to one’s own words. (And these are also one of the examples of paraphrasing.)

There are many ways above those. The significant thing is that you should specify the source when you are supposed to cite something. What do you know the good way to avoid plagiarism?

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The similarities and differences of an approach to plagiarism between in the USA and in Korea

    Plagiarism refers to steal the ideas or opinions of the other and use them without permission. It is obviously the crime to infringe on copyrights. Although plagiarism is wrong behavior so anyone shouldn’t do, the criteria or the punishment are different according to the countries. Among them, Korea and America has a lot of differences.
    Firstly, the definition of plagiarism in South Korea is that- the behavior to put the other’s work in one’s work. I think it is too ambiguous to understand how to approach to plagiarism and copyright, so researched more specifically. In Korea, it seems to be accepted by some people that recite without clarifying the original source or just apply someone’s idea to their own works. They, that is, don’t respect the copyright; rather regard secondary production as one of the ways to create work. It is obvious in the music composing or the art industry. For example, if one artist is accused of plagiarism, people argue about that event. It is so controversial in Korea. Someone even says “Does it matter? He was just inspired by the original music and created his own song based on that inspiration!” They call it re-creation (or re-production).
    However, the definition of plagiarism in the USA is to steal or copy the other’s ideas or works and apply to one’s own works or words. Unlike Korean, it is so important for American to protect the copyright. They evaluate thoroughly not only copying the other’s one, but also reciting. It means that anyone cannot own the idea if it didn’t be created by one’s own brain. This approach is very opposite to the Korean one. Also, the criteria of plagiarism are so strict without exception.
    Korean and American, both of them are very sensitive and strict in terms of study or discipline. Especially, the paper that is the result of someone’s research should not include any plagiarism. It is the biggest similarity between two countries. Some say that plagiarism sometimes can be accepted according to the situation, but others say that plagiarism should never be accepted. How about you? What is your opinion about the acceptance?

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Differences between approaches to plagiarism in the U.S. and Japan

Hello everyone! My name is Tsukasa Ajisaka and I am from Japan. Since I came to this college, I have noticed some differences of the approaches to the plagiarism between U.S. and Japan. So, I hope you enjoy reading and understanding the differences.

Firstly, the explanation of plagiarism. When I was in Japan, I have never had the explanation about the plagiarism. Thus, Japanese students have to learn about plagiarism and how to write an essay. However, after coming to America, I have had the orientation for the plagiarism and the risk of doing plagiarism when we write essay.

Secondly, the significance of plagiarism. As we mentioned above, Japanese students have to learn about plagiarism by ourselves. However, in fact, the rules of plagiarism are not so strict in Japan because even if we quote not properly or do not mention some references, the essay can be received. However, I noticed that the rule of plagiarism is very strict in the U.S. and I was surprised that even a small plagiarism will be punished.

Lastly, the class for college writing. Since the plagiarism and the way of writing essay in America is much stricter than that of in Japan, writing classes are offered in the college and many people are taking the writing class. Although I have never cared about the references and quoting evidences, it can be the big problem in America.

These are the differences I noticed so far. I think there are more differences, so I am looking forward to noticing more culture differences. Thank you for reading.

Tsukasa Ajisaka

Monday, September 12, 2016

Similarities and difference between writing essays in English and Chinese

         Hello everyone. My name is James and I am from China. English and Chinese both are widespread used in the world. Today I am willing to talk with you about the difference and similarity between writing essays in English and Chinese. 

                   I would like to talk about the differences between Chinese essays and English essays first, which could caused by the cultural difference between Chinese and western and different mode of thinking. One of the main differences is that writing Chinese essays will more focus on “description of surroundings” which will connect with the mood of author. However, English essays would have a brief description around environment. Second, Chinese essays will use relative unobjectionable ways to narrate things while English essays would use a more straightforward way to express their opinions and thoughts.

                  However, there are still some similarities between writing essays in English and Chinese. First of all, both of them have thesis statement or main idea in argumentative essays and a good essay must have convincing evident or data to support the thesis statement and explanations must be in a logical and rigorous way. 

                   In a word, although Chinese essays and English essays have slightly differences, writing a good article both needs specific points and explicit explanations. We can learn from different style of writing in order to come out a good article.


James  Liu

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The differences between St. Norbert College and Swedish Universities


My name is Lisa and I am from Sweden. When I moved here I did expect to notice differences and I did know that there was going to be things that I consider strange or surprising. Even though I have only been at campus for fourteen days, I have already noticed some differences between St. Norbert College and Swedish universities. My first impression of the school was that it seemed stricter than I thought. One thing that I did not know was the importance of attendance here at St Norbert College. For instance, your grade can be dropped if you show up late or miss a class more than two times. While the universities in Sweden do not really care if you show up for class or not. As long as you hand in your work on time and pass the finals.

Another thing that surprised me when I first got to college was the importance of politeness against the staff and your professor. I understand that I am expected to show respect and all of that. But apparently, it is also very important to be proper by calling them by either professor or doctor and then their last name. As I mentioned, Swedes also needs to be respectful against the staff but we always call our professors by their first name and to use professor and then the last name might even seem old-fashioned to some swedes.

The last thing that I noticed is the financial part. It is very expensive to study in America and you need to pay for everything if you do not get scholarships or anything like that. The Swedish tuition is paid by the government and the only thing we need to pay for is books and our living. Even though that sounds like a good thing, I´ve noticed that students here at St Norbert College seems more grateful towards their tuition and really appreciates the opportunity to get a degree and a brighter future.  

What differences surprised you the most when you got to College?

/ Lisa

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Differences between St.Norbert College and Universities in Peru

Hello Everyone, my name is Renzo I am from Peru. When I came to the College here in the United States I noticed very big differences in universities among this two countries.
The first and most impressive for me was that the students live in campus, In mostly all Latin American countries students only go to the university and college to take their classes and return home after this. In the U.S all students are required to live in campus until they have 21 or become senior.
Second is in Peru you need to study five years in the college and more depending in your major, you also need to take five classes each semester. The classes you take in Peru are given for the Universities and you cannot pick what classes you want to pick during the semesters.  
The third is the universities in Peru don’t require to take a foreign language. Although a lot of students from Europe and America go to peruvian universities, students are not required to study abroad.
Fourth, we don’t have as many sports like SNC or stadiums only for each sport(Hockey, American Football, Baseball), in my hometown the universities don’t take to much care about sports. Here in SNC is a big party when the football team play I was really surprised how american people like football.
Finally, the resources the faculty SNC give to the students like advisors, tutors, etc.
SNC give a lot of help to their students to finish their career in 4 years and with the cost of University.
About the similarities, is the Day of the University , beginning of the year, end of the year. Where a big parties are hold in the campus with fireworks, food, live concert and games.
What do you think? How is the college in your country?