Monday, September 18, 2017

Different Approaches to Plagiarism

Plagiarism basically means copying the idea of another person and use it as your own. Unfortunately this is done every day by a lot of people around the entire world. There are some countries that are very serious at punishing this act and, there are a lot of countries that just dont  focus on puniching them and it is kind of accepted. For example my country. In then next paragraph I am going to explain the differences of punishing between the countries.
First, in the US no work is accepted under any circunstance if it is plagiarism. On the other hand in my country it is very flexible, you can talk with the proffessor and make it valid.
Second, here in the US every project must have citation from where the informaiton is extracted or who say the quote. However, in my country not all the projects must have the citation mandatory. If proffesors want students to quote information or phrases they should tell studetns to do it, if not studetns will not do it.
Third, in college here after doing three times plagiarism you can not stay anymore in the institution. Nevertheless, in Peru the worst thing that can happen to you is that the proffessor do not accept you the Project. For example, in the last president elections in my country, one of the candidates was caught cheeting by using plagiarism in his goberment plan, as a result he did not win the president elections, Nonetheless he was not punished by doing it.

To sum up, the differences and consequences doing plagiarism  between both countries are huge. This sometimes is a big problem because we are not used to be that specific when citating, but here we must be.


  1. Thank you, Antonio, for this insightful contribution! I appreciate your comparison. Yes, indeed -- in this country it is very very strict. Please beware and be careful when using outside sources!

  2. Thank you, Antonio. Like your country,people in my country also do not care of plagiarism, so I was really surprised when I studied here. However, it is a good chance to know that and I am sure that citation is very important to honor the author.

  3. Thanks for your comparison. I also see the strictness of plagiarism in the U.S and its punishment. I think this is a useful way to protect copyright and promote creativity. We should apply it in our country.

  4. it is something that I never thought about that there are some countries they don't care about doing the plagiarism and don't do it.
