Sunday, February 12, 2017

Similarities and differences between approaches to plagiarism in the U.S. and Korea
Stealing other people’s idea is the serious problem. It will destroy will that create many ideas. But learning is part of watching another idea. It is hard to make a method to avoid plagiarism. So each country has the different approach to avoid plagiarism. There are some similarities and differences between U.S. and Korea.
First similarities are the importance of the problem. U.S. and Korea both think that plagiarism is the serious crime. A student can fail the class or kick out for using other’s idea. So they teach a method to avoid this problem. Second similarities are the method to avoid plagiarism. Professor requires citing an information that student use. At the end of the page, they want to write or type sources to see where does student use for their homework or assignment.
On the other hand, there are differences between U.S. and Korea. U.S. don’t allow to plagiarism in any other class. But in Korea, they use it only when they write public essay or presentation. In the class, they usually think student know a specific knowledge that related to the class. So they do not write entire knowledge which is not well-known.

In conclusion, there are many views to approach the method that can avoid plagiarism. I think people have to avoid plagiarism when they write a public essay, which is graduation essay or research paper. In the class, I don’t think that it is necessary to cite all the sources because each student has different knowledge level. Some student has the high level of understanding some specific part. They will not remember where they find that knowledge.


  1. Dean: thank you for your insight. A very interesting observation/perspective. I think that even in the U.S. there is a difference between studying/learning new knowledge and using the knowledge (information) in papers.

  2. Thank you Dean. In my opinion, I should think that citation should be used even in the classroom. One should start imbibing the habit of citing sources to avoid falling into the crime of plagiarism in the coming days.

  3. Thank you Dean. I also believe that there are different methods to approach plagiarism although, I don’t agree with you when you say it’s not necessary to cite all the sources. We have to give credit to the writer because it takes hard work to come up with good essays and it would be unfair for a student to just copy or rewrite it with without any giving credit.

  4. Thanks Dean! I would love to visit Korea someday. I often here that South Korea is somewhat like the US in many of their laws due to a heavy US presence their. I think it is important for every country to have a set of laws to protect us from plagiarism. Thats why I'm grad to here Korea doesn't allow it.
