Monday, February 27, 2017

The Best Ways to Improve My English

In 2014, when I came to United States I spent a lot of time in this country because I needed to complete my education in English. I like this country because it supported me for study and I can make very good friends in it, especially in Wisconsin. When my brother studied at St. Norbert College, he sent my papers to the ELS Institute to start studying at St. Norbert College. However, when I came to this college I learned English very well and many more things other than the English language. I learned how people respect each other and each other’s time. However, the most important thing I learned here at St. Norbert College, was about religion and culture. There were many things I learned that were different than my religion and culture. However, right now I will be talking about my English, and the best ways to improve my English.


First, when I need to prepare for a grammar quiz, I should read the rules of whatever grammar I need to study, then I should do some exercises, and do more than one, to understand the rules of grammar. Another thing I do when I need to prepare for a grammar quiz is I speak to a native speaker who has a very nice accent and I can practice with them if I want to get better and improve my grammar.

Second, when I write an essay I should review my essay with someone who has experience writing. When I write an essay for writing class or any other class I should review the grammar, hook, quote, thesis, bodies and conclusion. However, when I need to review all of these I should go to the writing center or review it with my teachers or with someone who speaks English fluently.

Sunday, February 19, 2017


The consequence trailing plagiarism is something not to be joked with by all means. It is a criminal offence in the academic world that attracts the wrath of the law, especially in the United States of America. Therefore, when writing papers or assignments, utmost care must be taken to follow these strategies clearly outlined below.

CITATION:  because representing other authors' works or ideas in one’s own writing without acknowledging them is precarious globally, it is therefore imperative that when a writer utilizes ideas, phrases and research results from other writers in any form, they should be accurately cited. It is just natural to give honor to whom it is due, and that is what citation tends to achieve. While citing a source, efforts should be made to know the accepted pattern of doing so in a region and stick by it. This pattern of citation could be APA, MLA or Vancouver. 

CREATIVITY: as ages go by and the world keeps evolving into different eras, we have now come to find ourselves in an era where creative work is seen as an old wife’s feeble. All roads now lead to the internet to grab already-made articles. The act of brainstorming to generate new ideas is grossly under emphasized. Consequently, writers have become lazy and find it difficult to think out of the box. If writers can once again develop a creative mind, break loose from the confinement of the internet, and quite total reliance on prior knowledge, more works that speak volumes of originality will be produced, and the question of plagiarism will not come on board. In short, the more creative a writer becomes, the less the tendency to plagiarize

REFERENCING: ideas and quotes from other authors should be referenced appropriately. Both the in-text and reference list patterns should be utilized. In-text referencing is the type of reference seen within the write up or article, while reference list is usually the last thing seen at end of the article. All sources of an article should be noted, referenced and a thorough check done before publishing, to ensure that all borrowed ideas and quotes are captured. This is because an oversight of omission usually, cannot be an excuse for plagiarism. If a writer used an idea from his/her own previous work, it is expected that the previous work should be referenced (Jana Dettlaff, college writing class 2017). This is to show how serious the law of plagiarism is.

WRITING ON AREAS OF INTEREST: the last strategy  to avoid plagiarism on my list, is writing on topics that is of utmost interest to one. Interest gives birth to curiosity and motivation, which are keys to effective writing. It gives a person that strong push to think out of the box and to keep searching for answers to puzzling questions. Interestingly, people with  great interest in a topic come up with original solutions to answer natural puzzle surrounding the topic which no one has worked on, and so the issue of plagiarism will not surface at all. 

I think these are concrete ways to avoid plagiarism.  

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Similarities and differences between approaches to plagiarism in the   U.S and in my country.
                      Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. It is known to be a serious problem in most countries and it’s popular in colleges. In contrast, it also differs. For instance in my home country Nigeria, plagiarism differs from that of the U.S.. In Nigeria, plagiarism is not taken as a big deal or a crime because we believe that most students are unaware of plagiarism because they are unclear of what constitutes a quotation or paraphrase and how to cite properly. Even if students intentionally engage in the act of plagiarism they would be sent off with just a warning.
                 However, plagiarism in the U.S is entirely different from that of Nigeria. It is taken very seriously especially in colleges. They educate their students about rules that clarify what is acceptable and what is not and they also make sure to explain the outcomes if the rules are not followed. Still, some students don’t yield to the warnings and either get suspended for a long time or get expelled.

                    Both countries see plagiarism as a problem but they both have different ways and methods of handling it. In my opinion, I would say the U.S handles plagiarism much better because the methods used can help prevent students from practicing it because no one wants to get suspended or expelled but this is just my opinion. Which country do you think handles plagiarism best?
Similarities and differences between approaches to plagiarism in the U.S. and Korea
Stealing other people’s idea is the serious problem. It will destroy will that create many ideas. But learning is part of watching another idea. It is hard to make a method to avoid plagiarism. So each country has the different approach to avoid plagiarism. There are some similarities and differences between U.S. and Korea.
First similarities are the importance of the problem. U.S. and Korea both think that plagiarism is the serious crime. A student can fail the class or kick out for using other’s idea. So they teach a method to avoid this problem. Second similarities are the method to avoid plagiarism. Professor requires citing an information that student use. At the end of the page, they want to write or type sources to see where does student use for their homework or assignment.
On the other hand, there are differences between U.S. and Korea. U.S. don’t allow to plagiarism in any other class. But in Korea, they use it only when they write public essay or presentation. In the class, they usually think student know a specific knowledge that related to the class. So they do not write entire knowledge which is not well-known.

In conclusion, there are many views to approach the method that can avoid plagiarism. I think people have to avoid plagiarism when they write a public essay, which is graduation essay or research paper. In the class, I don’t think that it is necessary to cite all the sources because each student has different knowledge level. Some student has the high level of understanding some specific part. They will not remember where they find that knowledge.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Similarities and differences between writing essays in English and Arabic.

    First, there is no similarity between writing in Arabic and English, but there are several differences, and the first difference is the grammar. Grammar in the Arabic language is very complicated. For example, the adjective in Arabic comes after the noun unlike, the English language the adjective comes before the noun such as beautiful girl or cold weather.

    The second difference is the order of the essay in the Arabic language. There are no particular strategies the essay like, in English. For example, the essay should include five paragraphs introduction and bodies and conclusion.

    The third difference is the attention to detail and examples in the English language either in Arabic, the exact details are not compulsory, for instance, in the English language, you must explain your details very well and give examples to support your writing.

    In the end, I think that every language has a different way of writing an essay, but there are difficult languages in writing, and there are easy languages, and I think that the Arabic language is difficult languages in writing.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Similarities and differences between writing essays in English and Korean

Similarities and differences between writing essays in English and Korean
Many countries have their own culture. It is also same in college. Each college has different method to teach and to develop the students. One of the methods is writing an essay. But each country or college has different styles to write an essay. There are similarities and differences between writing essays in English and Korean.
Similarities between writing essays in English and Korean is importance. They think that students need to know how to write an essay because the essay is one way to express their opinion in public.
Also, there is much difference. The first difference is usability. Saint Norbert College use essay a lot as the assignment. Also, they learn the method is beginning of college. But in Korea, students do not have lots of homework essay. They usually learn in some specific class or they learn at the almost end of the college. In Saint Norbert College, students write an essay in various area. But in Korea, they write almost in their major. The second difference is the form of an essay. In Saint Norbert College has origin form of the essay. College teaches this form to write an essay. On the other hand, Korea doesn’t teach the form of an essay. So students usually learn from another organization or learn from examples that other students write in the past.
           I think it is important to know how to write an essay because it is important to express my opinion. But I like Korea style better than the United States style because to express my opinion I need a knowledge. Before I don’t know basic information, my opinion doesn’t have reliability.