Friday, March 23, 2018

Mid-semester at St. Norbert college

Mid-semester is very close and also our midterm grades will be posted out, maybe this is kind of scary for a lot of students and everyone is anxious to know how well they did during this first half of the semester. Along with this, we´ve had our spring break, which I feel like one of the best part of the academic year, to relax and spend time with our families or maybe travel and visit new places, Personally, I prefer to travel instead of staying in the same places and doing nothing rather than watch the tv or spend hours and hours in front of my computer, So, I traveled to New York and Boston, very expensive cities by the way, and I had the opportunity to see some of the famous streets or places in the USA. After one week of relaxation and entertainment, I flew back to my college and the classes started. This abrupt change in my daily routine is always uncomfortable because you pass from a calm state to a busy one. Anyway, these short-time breaks are very helpful and of course, it gives us a chance to observe the seasonal transition which, for a person that has never seen these remarkable changes in our environment, seems to be one of the greatest experiences that can define the mid of the spring semester.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Manuel, for a very wholesome reflection on the middle of the spring semester! All the best for the rest of the semester!
