Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Documenting written sources

Documentation stands for the process of acknowledging the source we cited for our research paper. In other words, documenting a paper means to tell the reader exactly where we found the information. To let the reader know that we have carefully researched our ideas, to tell the reader about the original source that we have cited and to avoid plagiarism are the main reasons to document sources.

Our ideas can be strong enough to believe by readers only if we carefully researched it. Any stimulus can excite us by our immediate thought, but the reality might be the difference. So, we need to perform many types of research before we decided to include it in our research paper. It would be better to do as much research as possible for the effectiveness of our ideas. And documentation let the reader know that we have carefully researched our ideas.

It is important to let the reader know about the original source we used for our topic in the research paper. It is obvious that if the reader gets interested in our topic, she can be interested to learn more about it. So, while documenting our evidence, we must provide the details of the original source.

           We should not put ideas in our research paper without proper citation. It is illicit to copy someone’s idea and present it as ours. The reader can get trust about our research paper if we have present our ideas along with a proper citation of the sources. This also leads to avoid plagiarism which is a serious offense in academic writing in the United States.

            In addition, the documentation can be done in two ways, one within the text of the paper which is called in-text citation, and another is at the end of the paper in a reference list. A citation includes three major pieces of information and they are the name of the author, the year of the source, and the page number which is required only for the quotation in the writing. The citation usually occurs in one of two places: within the sentence or at the end of the sentence.

In a nutshell, documentation is important to let the reader know that we have carefully researched our ideas, to tell the reader about the original source that we have cited and to avoid plagiarism

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Being persuasive in English

Being persuasive in English

In our daily life, we talk with each other all the time. Actually when we talk to someone we prefer the people accept our opinion and agree with us that will make us feel happy. I am from China and I am study my college in US now. We always talk or  argue with each other in the study group. I am too shy to speak to others that make people do not understand what I am saying. My english is not being persuasive and nobody accept my idea. I know i should overcome it. There are some strategies that i find could helpful for people who has same situation same as me.
First, appear confidence. Looking confident is one of the most important parts of being persuasive. If you're not sure, then why should they trust you? Look people in the eye, smile, and keep your voice even and enthusiastic.
Second, know what you're talking about. Do research on the computer or in the library. Know everything that you can possibly know about what you're trying to talk them into. You're not going to be very convincing if you tell them something that they know isn't true.
Second, prepare for their arguments against you. They'll probably have some arguments against what you're trying to get them to do. Know some of the most common arguments and be ready with a good way to win them over.
Third, Stay calm. Keep calm and turn on the charm. Seriously though, if you start shouting or get all whiny, no one is going to listen to you anymore. It becomes like tuning out a small child. Keep calm and friendly in your demeanor and you'll be fine.
Of course, when you use the language that different from your mother language.  Like English for me you should prepare for your speak enough. You should search enough and accurate words
for the topic that you try to persuasive someone accept you.  Combine those methods when you speak to someone you will feel perfect!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Avoiding plagiarism

It is always easy to find good information for research papers but, it is not easy to put that information in the paper without using plagiarism. Avoiding plagiarism is not difficult. In the next paragraphs I am going to explain different ways to avoid plagiarism.
First, paraphrasing, it means to read the information and re write it in your own words. Be sure not to copy the exact words or it will be plagiarism.
Second, citing, here it is needed to follow the document formatting that is asked for. This is a very effective way to avoid falling into plagiarism.
Third, quoting, when quoting it is needed to be written exactly as the author say it, if there is one word that is not exact will be considered plagiarism.
Fourth, referencing, it is the most common way to avoid plagiarism. Here we write the reference ( author, book, website, pg number) at the end of the paper.

Image result for avoiding plagiarismTo sum up, practicing plagiarism is very easy if you do not know how to avoid it exactly. However, nowadays you find avoiding plagiarism strategies everywhere.