Monday, October 24, 2016

Mid-semester at St. Norbert College

    Mid-semester is halfway to the success most of the students are making achievements in the middle of the semester, which qualifies them for success in the college, but there are also students who face difficulties and challenges. I am one of the students who has faced some of the challenges, to clarify this is the first semester for me at St. Norbert College and I think it's a wonderful experience, but you need patience and diligence. The challenges that I faced are managing my time and classes, and making new friends.

    Time is a precious thing, and if you could control your time you will make your life easier. The reason why my time is structured is that I have four Classes, and that makes my schedule so busy. For example, I spend most of my time doing the homework for these classes. This is true, I struggle at work but always repeat to myself do not give up.

    The second challenge is to make friends in college. I do not mean that I do not have friends, but in the past, I was a very social person. I think the reason I am no longer as I was because I did not accustom to college life. Before I came here I was a student in Seattle Washington, I studied English there, and I think the reason why I cannot involve here because I accustomed to my friends there.

   In conclusion, we all have problems in life, but every one of us has a way to solve problems. So far I am satisfied with myself because I knew this is the beginnings of my college life and I know that the future will be better.


  1. Talal: thank you so much for sharing these thoughts and stories about your challenges. New school, new people (in a new culture/language) are a huge adjustment! Give yourself some time and I'm sure you'll be just fine. And remember - never ever give up!

  2. Hello, Talal. Thank you for writing about your mid-semester. Although I did not have mid-exam this time, I had struggles when I took examinations in some classes. The most important thing for me was using time effectively as well. Since there are some distractions such as phones, I could not manage time. However, as you mentioned, we can come over if we do not give up. Thank you.

  3. Hello Talal,
    Your ideas are so interesting to me!!! I feel empathy. To me, the most challenging thing is managing times. I usually put off my assignment until the before day of due day. I know it is not good way and should break it. But it is still remained. Also, I agree with your opinion that making friend is another difficult thing in America. But there are many nice people in SNC! Everyone makes us comfortable!!
    Now, our first semester is almost done. How do you guys think about this semester?

  4. Hello Talal,
    Thanks for you express you real thought for us. I have fully the same feeling. When i first came to college, i found it very hard to be heard and talk with anyone. Homework is a struggle for me because i can not understand and always miss the homework that i never know. Here people are very nice but nobody will spend all the time with friends because we all have our own things to do. But if we really have big problems friends will appear to help you!
    I think we should overcome the difficulties because that is why we come to college and how we learn!

  5. Hello Talal,
    Thanks for sharing us your experience! I know what you felt at that moment. Coming to a new country with different culture, people, customs, etc., is a very hard step for many international students. It is normal to feel like that at the beginning, but it is important to know that it is just a matter of time. Having more time here will make you more confident and also able to function socially. I hope you are doing well now that we are ending the semester.
